Dune Inspired…

At it again, I am.
This time, inspired by Dune.
“Dune Spice” by G33k Meadery!
Cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice, peppercorn, vanilla extract, sliced ginger, orange peel is what I tossed in my latest batch – definitely a brew to be consumed during the winter holidays.

I’ve got names!
- Fiery Strawberry Fuel: 1 gallon, estimate it will be bottled around August 7-9th, anticipate 7 500ml bottles. Possibly do 4-5 500ml and the rest in pint bottles?
- Strawberry-Kiwi Meadness: 5 gallons, estimate bottled around August 7-9th, anticipate 4 bottles of 750ml, 20 bottles of 500ml, and 12 pints.
- Dune Spice: 5 gallons, estimate bottled around August 28-30th, anticipate 4 bottles of 750ml, 20 bottles of 500ml, and 12 pints.
- Black^2 BerryCurrant Mead: will be 5 gallons, estimate brewing either second or third week of August, estimate bottled around last week of Sept-first week of Oct. Bottle sizes TBD.
I figure I’m gonna wanna drink some soon as it’s brewed, you know… So, I’ve decided to order 750 and 500ml bottles and a corking tool sometimes the end of July, and those will be aged long-term. I have a buncha snap-top pint bottles that I’ll age slightly, but drink as soon as I can.
I’ll update again in August when the Black^2 BerryCurrant Mead is brewed!