There’s Something About Amy…

I just got back from a short stay in Philly a few days ago… I had a local friend take care of my dogs while I flew out for 5 days, and helped Amy move (well, as much as I could what with my gimp leg and all those stairs!). Yeah, I know, I’m crazy, pushed myself as much as possible but called it when the pain became too much. I definitely do not like stairs! Poor lady has to do a shit ton more of stairs… but then again, she chose that place, so who am I to complain!

It was an interesting experience, her friends sorta… interrogated me. It was in good spirit, and I feel confident I passed their requirements for their friend!

If you’re gonna ask me if you need 70 pairs of shoes, I’m gonna say point-blank, no… BUT I WILL help you vac seal all your shoes, clothes, blankets, towels, what-have-you’s. Vac seal bags are AWESOME!

Goofiness ensues. Moving is stressful, no doubt about it – we still had a ton of laughs! Not only did I get to see some friends, I met a few of her friends, neighbors, and new roommate. Philly is definitely a busy city! I missed the peace and quiet of my home, the starry skies at night (damn you, light pollution!!), and most especially my furbabies. Fortunately, they were treating Malena well and did not cause too much problems… aside from destroying a shit ton of coffee filters, but thats another story for another… yeah, no, not writing about that.

Upon my return home, I was pretty much assaulted by all three dogs! Harley was the most chill but still demanding, of all… Marley and Capt’n went all out tackling me and each other, it was great to see them again – they always make me laugh, and I’m happy they now have a local dog sitter who can appreciate their quirks!

There’s mos def something about Amy… If you’ve not ascertained by now, then let me address this as clear as possible, engage Captain Obvious mode: I really like this lady. She’s checked off all my boxes so far… I daresay the future’s looking bright and bountiful.

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