Jesse Ragsdale

Operations Coordinator

Website Developer

Data Analyst

App Developer


Jesse Ragsdale

Operations Coordinator

Website Developer

Data Analyst

App Developer


Blog Post

Life goes on…

The views here, man… It ain’t South Fork Mountain’s overlooking a valley, but it’s still hella gorgeous out here. I’ve moved so many times, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so in love with where I just moved… Of course, I loved where I lived – I was happy, the places I moved to had what I wanted and needed… but not this ecstatic about where I moved to! Oh, I can’t wait to change the terms from rental to rent-to-own… totally looking forward to the day I’m able to plop down a sizable deposit for my current landlord and own my own house in California – this time, with buildings, fencing, a fruit orchard, and chicken coops to boot! My initial plan was to live in The DogHouse on 20 acres that I bought, but that place is very remote and has nothing except nature. This place is right outside of town yet still isolated enough I can walk outside naked and rest assured nobody can see me!

Adam, Sam, and their lovely daughter, Ember visited last week, and it was wonderful seeing them – however short their visit was! Finally caught up on a lot with them, bummed they didn’t have time to play board games… I know they were on a long vacation and visiting me was their last thing, but it was worth it. Cooked them dinner and introduced Adam to pi00a’s Spicy Chili Crunch! I’m addicted to this, already – one jar only lasted me 2 weeks! This stuff is killer, go grab yourself SEVERAL jars!

Oh yeah, blackberry season begins – I’m gonna do my third harvest today, but the blackberry tart I made for Adam and Sam was to die for! (OK – next time I’ll make my own whipped cream… hope that makes you culinary snobs happy!)

The dogs are doing good – Harley hasn’t munched on foxtails in a long time, and I’ve been doing my best to keep them at bay but theres some parts of this land that are currently inaccessible to me but the dogs can get to (lots of bushes), I’ve yet to get myself to that area. Marley, oh boy… NOW I know after two times catching her, it’s her that has been breaking in the dog food container – she’s gotten chubby! I ain’t telling her this, so I’ve been cutting back her food and… damn, girl is one hella expressive dog, and she sure been giving me the evil eye… Just gotta be mindful and never utter to her that she’s overweight. Oh no… Capt’n is quite devious and hella energetic – I’m grateful I found this place so they can run free and burn off their energy, but whoa… Capt’n and Marley have Tractive GPS trackers and activity monitors. Capt’n is currently at 5,600-ish minutes of activity for the month of August. Marley is at 3,700 minutes. Capt’n is #1 most active dog within 50 mile range, so yeah… whoa! She currently weights 66 lbs and stands 24″ tall at her front shoulder. She’s already taller and heavier than Harley… According to the weight estimator, she’s currently predicted to be 124lbs at 1 year old. That’s nothing, her brother Bacon is expected to be 149lbs, River is expected to be 151lbs, Hexus is expected to be 147lbs, Charso is expected to be 140lbs, and Big Jakey is expected to be 143lbs based on info I have thus far. Ironically, it was River who was the runt of the litter, yet he’s gonna be the biggest dawg!

Life with GoSign.Ai has been extremely educational and informative. I’ve been learning about how to collaborate on GitHub with a team (actually, a partner, since it’s just the two of us on back end, but still… it’s always been a solo thing my entire programming life!). Made some decent contributions thus far; the guys have shown a lot appreciation for my work, but man… I can’t say enough how much I appreciate Ryan and Jeff for launching this startup, and how grateful I am for Ryan having mistook me for another Jesse of similar technical background! I really enjoy this collaboration and technical programming discussion with Jeff and it’s really refreshing to be able to converse with another deaf person about programming. We should be launching our beta fairly soon, and I look forward to sharing this with you all!

Allrighty then, I’m out to chill with the dogs and kick back to Despicable Me.

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