The DogHouse Placeholder

Sometimes in late April of 2021, I found an ad on Facebook Marketplace: a 1994 Amtran Genesis 12 window bus for sale. DT408 motor with Allison transmission, $7,000. I contacted the seller, who put the ad up for a friend, and finally met up with the owner of this bus in Pilot Hill: Beyond Cool, California. His name was Milty and he owned and operated Tahoe Whitewater Rafting. I checked the bus out, everything looked good to me, and I made an offer – $5,000 cash. He agreed, we shook on it and I took this picture on May 4th, 2021! After nearly two years, I had taken the first step in my skoolie journey! The next day, I returned, paid up and he signed the title over to me. I asked him if it was possible to leave the bus on his property for a while, as I wasn’t able to park it where I lived. He was really nice about it and let me park for a few months, and even work on removing the seats – as long as I didn’t make a mess on his property, which was no issue at all! Granted, it took me a few months of not being able to work on it – I could only afford to drive (1.5 hours one way) and work on the bus once in a while. It wasn’t til I had moved to where I currently reside, and save up to be able to get my starter replaced and drive the bus home! I had to hire a mobile mechanic to replace the starter and check everything out, but otherwise – I have done every iota of work on this bus so far.
Within a week or 2, I headed back to Pilot Hill to load some materials in The DogHouse, and start removing all 24 of these damned bus seats solo, with only Harley for company… Let me tell you this – it ain’t easy! Especially when the vice grips just dont stay locked and you need a second vice grip to keep the first one locked and wedged against another leg so you can go under the bus and unscrew the bolt with an impact driver. It took me several trips, one day usually about 3-5 hours of work done to remove the seats. After a while, I had to pause work for several months as I mentioned above. Finally, after I had a place to live with room to park the bus, saved up for the starter replacement, I was able to bring The DogHouse home! Time to begin tearing up the rubber flooring, old plywood and start on the build!
For now, while I continue work on building this site up, this will serve as a dedication page with a dedicated Instagram feed below. Eventually, this will be transferred over to, along with a brand new logo/brand! Exciting times are ahead!
That’s Woof Up, y’all’s.