Fun with ChatGPT 4.0

Often, I recall quotes or sayings that relate to a topic being discussed. Today, Shakespeare’s “King Henry” came to mind in GoSign.Ai’s discord room, and… I ran to ChatGPT 4.0 with this prompt: “let’s have some fun. can you rewrite the following, keeping the writing style and grammar as is, but modernizing the content of

Life is good, getting better…

GoSign.Ai Update Trubiz, trubiz… I got offered the position as Software Engineer! It’s currently unpaid, but for equity… Hopefully the upcoming meeting with an investor will be fruitful and a salary might be in the picture in the near future. My first official programming job, second official IT-related job! For those of you who know

Quite the weekend…

Got a lot done over the weekend with decent (dry heat) weather. The hill of dirt/rocks that I seeded with crimson clover is coming along nicely! I’ve got two of the 4 Arlo security cameras  that my landlord left me set up with fresh batteries (CR123A’s aint cheap) and a base station (that I ordered