Quite the weekend…

Got a lot done over the weekend with decent (dry heat) weather. The hill of dirt/rocks that I seeded with crimson clover is coming along nicely! I’ve got two of the 4 Arlo security cameras  that my landlord left me set up with fresh batteries (CR123A’s aint cheap) and a base station (that I ordered

Man, it’s hot… but thats allright!

The Germs visited me last weekend! It was awesome to finally have yet another guest here! It’s been way too long, especially given our love for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and floating ’round and ’round on our onewheels! We met up in Redding at my storage unit (it’s finally empty, I’m saving $70/month and everything

Winterfell is melting, puppies are vaccinated!

Monday, April 17th – it snowed. Yup. 4″. Tuesday and Wednesday brought a wee bit more, but not too much. Thursday, it all started to melt, my pathways widened… OH JOY!!!! It’s melting away, and I don’t have to shov…. oh. wait. There’s still the driveway. Meh, I WAS working on a path down the

Winterfell Still Remains

https://jesseragsdale.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/img_0425.mp4 It is April 17, 2023… Yes, it’s snowing. We’re expected to get 4″ today, 1″ tomorrow. w00t. As you can see, my shoveled path has widened and more of the ground is showing. But no, it has to snow. AGAIN. Just when I thought things were getting better… but hey, it’s just two days